Thursday, January 2, 2014

imperfection is beauty

I had an old friend message me today.  At first I wasn't really sure what to think of it, but in the end, it opened my eyes.  For that, I am very thankful.

Although I hate to admit this, I am guilty some times of wanting what you have.  Rather it be your... hair, body, money, stress free life, the ability to cook like a chef, or wake up and conquer the world while chasing a child.  There are days when I simply wish I was you.  Why? Because my life so isn't perfect and yours looks exactly like what mine isn't.  Laugh all you want.  I'm sure you do the same.  Which is my point for this blog...
It's so easy to look at someone else and think they have it way better.  That their life is perfect from the outside so therefore it has to be perfect on the inside.  But is that really the case?  I don't think so at all.  I think deep down we all have a little bit of crazy in us and a whole lot of imperfection. 

This morning while chatting with that friend, they mentioned that my life seems perfect from the outside, but my blog yesterday made them realize that I'm just as real as them. And that statement really made me think.  Am I misjudging people by what I post on facebook and instagram?  Am I making these people think that I'm better than them?  I sure hope not because trust me... my life isn't perfect.  I have made some huge mistakes, I have regrets, I doubt myself every single day, and I have secrets just like you. 
In the past 4 years I've been dealt a pretty cruddy hand.  My grandpa passed away and a week later my parents divorced after 28 years, I got out of one unhealthy relationship to get knocked up in another, did the whole single parenting while dealing with postpartum, finally met a wonderful man who accepted my child and me, and now today I just found out that I have celiac disease.  See, my life isn't perfect?  It's actually been pretty crummy at times.  But at the end of the day... I still have a grandpa and two grandmas alive, my parents are both happy and healthy, I ended up with a beautiful daughter, God sent me a wonderful husband and although more than 50% of my day is in the bathroom- it makes for some funny conversations when I'm with my family and friends.

So, please, if you think my life is perfect.. look a little harder.  Heck, I haven't even brushed my teeth today!!! My house is messy.  My child ate cheez-its for lunch.  And my Christmas tree is still up. 

And to all you stay at home moms who make this job look so easy while you bake, go on play dates, stay on schedules and such.  I don't envy you anymore!!!  Because I know some where on the inside there is a mess.  It might be a small mess, but a mess is a mess.

My life isn't glamorous, but God has given me this life for a reason.  Just like He has given you yours for a reason.  Embrace the imperfections.  Love the crazy life you live. 

1 comment:

  1. Shealee I admire your honesty and transparency. You are a beauty inside and out and this blog is a true reflection of you. Keep up the good work. As for the you know what you are dealing with and can conquer it. I have another friend with this condition and you would never know it by the way she lives her life with enthusiasm. You can do the same. Kiss that wonderful man and hug your baby they are precious as are you!
