Wednesday, February 26, 2014

gluten free

Those who know me, know I live my life around the bathroom.
Like literally.
If I'm going on a road trip- I don't eat until I have reached my destination.
If I'm staying over night some where, visiting friends at their place and/or traveling- I eat Imodium.
If I have to run errands in town- I schedule my day around the nearest toilet.
If my sister and cousins read this, they can confirm.
Actually, I'm sure they could tell you a few embarrassing stories!
But lets hope they don't :)
As far back as I can remember, this has been my life.
At first it was embarrassing and I lived a miserable life because of it.
Now, not so much. I've come to embrace it. 
 (okay, maybe not embrace it, but I've learned to deal with it.)
On my first date with my now hubby, I told him...
"if I say I have to use the restroom- I mean pull over now, not 10 minutes down the road."
I'm pretty sure he looked at my like I was crazy, but within a few dates, he understood completely.
Even though I have always had a "sensitive" stomach- I've been able to live with it. 
Yes, it was embarrassing at times.
Yes, it was miserable.
Yes, it sucked.
But it never got to the point where I thought something major was wrong.
Until this past summer.
Going to the bathroom 3-4 times a day was nothing!
The cramps were killing me.  Like almost as bad as contractions.
So I finally made an appointment with the GI doctor.
Since I wasn't having blood, he wanted to try me on iron 3x a day to see if that would help.
It didn't.
I was still going constantly.
Then one week in November, I started having some blood and lost almost 6lbs in just a few days.
So back to the doctor I went.
He scheduled me for a colonoscopy that week.
But thankfully mine came back normal. My colon was fine!
So we did another test to check my stomach and intestines.
Plus blood work to see if I was allergic to gluten.
The week before New Years, I found out that I was in fact allergic to gluten.
With all of that being said...
I'm now learning to cut out gluten.
No, I'm not that crazy person who is cutting it all out at once.
I have my cheat days!
I'm also not that person who is going to make my own mustard, ketchup, ranch and blah blah blah.
So basically I'm just cutting out my carbs and stuff that obviously has gluten.
tonight I was going to be all domestic and make home made gluten free sweet potato muffins.
I should have known that was a terrible idea.
It was a major fail!!!!!

So on this blog you will probably see me post about:
having celiac
hating gluten free stuff
trying new gluten free stuff

but you will not see me post about:
and how great gluten free stuff is

because lets be honest, I would rather have a cheeseburger, beer and a big chocolate chip cookie with REAL flour.
and obviously cooking gluten free just isn't my thing.


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